Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Challenge Is On!

Our school has just started a reading incentive program called Reading Around The World.  Our goal is to try and encourage more reading at home.  The goal is that each child reads or in our case, parents read to child, 20 minutes 5 nights a week. A slip has came home to record those minutes on and will come back to school next Tuesday.  

We decided to make it a little bit more fun and have involved our 5th grade buddies.  We have challenged them.  We read more.....they give us a party.  They read more.......we give them a party.  So Read, Read, Read!!!!!!!

I know life is busy.  But reading is so important.  Remember to count the minutes others might spend reading with your child.  We need every ones help in order to read more than our 5th grade buddies.

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